Diagnostic Medicine

Tests done for diagnostic medicine
Surveys done in tests Units Quick (UERJ) for diagnostic medicine.

The tests listed below are performed in tests Units Quick (EBU), mobile and portable, for use in diagnostic medicine. For exams that are not listed below the Nagis Health can collect biological material and process externally with low response time. The results are exported directly to the database of our customers. We serve 1,148 cities throughout Brazil.

TAKE REST electrocardiogram (ECG)


  1. ALT (SGPT)
  2. Amylase P
  3. AST (SGOT)
  4. GT range
  5. Lipase
  6. LDH
  7. PCR US
  8. HBA1C
  9. Tina QT Dimer D
  10. Uric acid
  11. Albumin
  12. Phosphonylmethoxy. Alkaline (ALP)
  13. Ammonia
  14. Direct bilirubin
  15. Total bilirubin
  16. Calcium
  17. CK
  18. CO2
  19. Total cholesterol
  20. Colesteroal HDL
  21. LDL Cholesterol
  22. Triglycerides
  23. Creatinine
  24. Ethanol
  25. Iron
  26. Phosphate Piroxidal
  27. Match
  28. Glucose
  29. Lactate
  30. Magnesium
  31. Total protein
  32. Urea
  33. PSA
  34. Partial Urine
  35. Complete blood count
  36. Platelet Count
  37. RBC and WBC
  38. Cardiac enzymes (CK-MB / Myogloblina / Troponin / BNP / D-dimer)
  39. Group sanguine + RH Factor
  40. BHCG
  41. HCV
  42. ? HBsAg
  43. Arterial blood gas analysis (*)
  44. TAP (*)
  45. KPTT (*)
  46. Potassium (K) (*)
  47. Sodium (Na) (*)

(*) These tests are not part of a Quick Investigations Unit (EBU) standard. They are needed other additional equipment and should be budgeted for separately.